Podcast #80 The Gospel of Thomas sayings 101 to 114. An Interpretation.

Steve gives an interpretation of The Gospel of Thomas sayings 101 to 114.

Steve gives an interpretation of The Gospel of Thomas sayings 101 to 114.

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(1) “Whoever does not hate his [father] and his mother as I do will not be able to be a [disciple] of mine.(2) And whoever does [not] love his [father and] his mother as I do will not be able to be a [disciple] of mine.(3) For my mother […], but my true [mother] gave me life.”


Jesus says:

“Woe to them, the Pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in a cattle trough, for it neither eats nor [lets] the cattle eat.”


Jesus says:

“Blessed is the person who knows at which point (of the house) the robbers are going to enter, so that [he] may arise to gather together his [domain] and gird his loins before they enter.”


(1) They said to [Jesus]: “Come, let us pray and fast today!”(2) Jesus said: “What sin is it that I have committed, or wherein have I been overcome?(3) But when the bridegroom comes out of the wedding chamber, then let (us) fast and pray.”


Jesus says:

“Whoever will come to know father and mother, he will be called son of a whore.”


Jesus says:

(1) “When you make the two into one, you will become sons of man.(2) And when you say ‘Mountain, move away,’ it will move away.”


Jesus says:

(1) “The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep.(2) One of them went astray, the largest. He left the ninety-nine, (and) he sought the one until he found it.(3) After he had toiled, he said to the sheep: ‘I love you more than the ninety-nine.’”


Jesus says:

(1) “Whoever will drink from my mouth will become like me.(2) I myself will become he,(3) and what is hidden will be revealed to him.”


Jesus says:

(1) “The kingdom is like a person who has a hidden treasure in his field, (of which) he knows nothing.(2) And [after] he had died, he left it to his [son]. (But) the son did not know (about it either).He took over that field (and) sold [it].(3) And the one who had bought it came, and while he was ploughing [he found] the treasure.He began to lend money at interest to whom he wished.”


Jesus says:

“The one who has found the world (and) has become wealthy should renounce the world.”


Jesus says:

(1) “The heavens will roll up before you, and the earth.(2) And whoever is living from the living one will not see death.”(3) Does not Jesus say: “Whoever has found himself, of him the world is not worthy”?


Jesus says:

(1) “Woe to the flesh that depends on the soul.(2) Woe to the soul that depends on the flesh.”


(1) His disciples said to him: “The kingdom — on what day will it come?”(2) “It will not come by watching (and waiting for) it.(3) They will not say: ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’(4) Rather, the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.”


(1) Simon Peter said to them: “Let Mary go away from us, for women are not worthy of life.”(2) Jesus said: “Look, I will draw her in so as to make her male, so that she too may become a living male spirit, similar to you.”(3) (But I say to you): “Every woman who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.”